2023 Mining Industry Survey- Trends shaping the future of mining

We are entering an era of mining which has a firm focus on the energy transition. Mining companies are scrambling to figure out how to incorporate renewable energy sources and electrified equipment into their greenfield and brownfield sites. The energy transition will be the central focus of the mining industry for decades to come. The question that remains is what the future of mining will look like given the imperative to decarbonise, the growing need to innovate when it comes to exploration and supply chains, and the growing negative perceptions from broader society. Each chapter of this report digs deep into some of the large questions facing our industry today.


  • Introduction
  • Energy
    • Decarbonise to derisk?
    • Having the energy to innovate
    • Not all transitions are created equal
  • Exploration
    • Why has innovation in exploration lagged?
    • Who is industry looking at to take a lead?
    • What will drive exploration innovation?
    • Encouraging collaborative efforts
  • Supply Chains and Geopolitics
    • Supply chains: a complex problem
    • The current landscape
    • The missing link
    • The European trailblazer?
    • Playing the long game
  • Perceptions
    • A look in the mirror
    • The double-edged sword of mining in Australia
    • What’s the need for change?
    • Ok, so now what?
  • Where to next? In space, across the oceans and in some of the world’s most remote places
    • Mining innovation out of direct view
    • Moving heaven and earth
    • Exploring the murky depths
  • Conclusion
State of Play

State of Play was initiated in 2014 to create a platform to support industry discussion of innovation and performance at a strategic level.

State of Play has undertaken a number of global surveys since its inception, as well as a number of drilldown pieces on topics from India through to Critical Minerals.

State of Play is now a leading voice for industry leaders and decision-makers. Our research is the basis for strategic decision-making and investment analysis globally, across operators, suppliers, investors, and government.