
Our data is one of a kind, providing insights into the minds of industry leaders

Providing the basis for strategic decision-making and investment analysis globally, across operators, suppliers, investors, and government.

Why State of Play data?

While other companies may focus on specific process aspects of innovation, they do not address the fundamental link with strategy and the external environment.

Which is where we step in.

What is the key timeframe for innovation focus in your company?
In-depth datasets

Inform planning and decision making in your business

Our data provides a snapshot into ecosystem, strategy and delivery to help you transform the way you do business in this rapidly changing world.

benchmarking graph

Identify how you stack up against your competitors

Our benchmarking analysis allows you to understand what drives performance and how you compare to high performers in the industry.

The benchmarking process is easy:

Corporate Presentations

Receive independent insights to trends impacting the mining industry and your business

Our corporate presentations bring together State of Play data and the team’s collective industry knowledge to present an overview of the large drivers impacting the mining industry now and in the future. We work with you to understand the information that is most impactful for you and your organisation and then present it to your staff, C-suite or board.

State of Play demonstrates the world-class thinking in strategy and investment insight.

Senior Investment Professional

At the heart of all our data

Ecosystem —

The external world is complex, fast-moving and uncertain. We explore long-term drivers to understand the landscape within which miners and services companies do business. Some of the trends are global, in which all industries are affected. Others are mining industry specific due to the unique operating model of mining companies.

Strategy —

State of Play research has consistently demonstrated the importance of focussing on competitive advantage and unique business characteristics in the formulation of long-term strategy and for focussing innovation efforts. Our data examines the strategy behind innovation - where are companies focussing their efforts and where do opportunities lie.

Delivery —

The delivery of innovation is complex. Our data explores how leaders within industry implement innovation within their respective companies, how successful innovations have been and what structures are used to carry out innovation.

State of Play are the only people that do this work well and globally.

Founder and Chair


Our benchmarking offerings differ from company to company, depending on their requirements and how much detail they are looking for.

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